Author: Dhanik Sahni

Dhanik Sahni is a seasoned Salesforce Architect with over 15 years of experience in architecting and implementing robust CRM solutions for businesses of all sizes. With a deep understanding of Salesforce's capabilities and a passion for leveraging technology to drive business growth, hehave become a trusted expert in the field.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be said to be revolutionizing business, especially when it comes to customer service. When was the last time you engaged a chatbot on a website or got recommendations for products that you might like? Now you know how this is AI at work in the background. AI helps organisations to engage with their customers, respond to them and solve their problems more efficiently and effectively than before, all the while doing so while keeping a check on their expenses. This article discusses the impact of AI in customer service space including examples, advantages, disadvantages and steps…

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